See the latest fracking studies from governmental organizations, regulators, universities, and nonprofits in Colorado.
For more than 70 years, Colorado has been one of the largest natural gas producers in the U.S. and a global leader in energy development, thanks to fracking. Check out the latest fracking studies here.
From start to finish, everything is carefully planned and monitored according to state and local laws. Colorado’s first-in-the-nation regulations include groundwater testing and monitoring, setbacks from buildings, installing noise barriers during drilling operations, and re-routing or reducing truck traffic away from communities.
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EDITORIAL: The folly of curbing Colorado’s natural gas
Shutting down either end of the energy spectrum is likely to stress the other and play havoc with the energy market. Undermining Colorado’s oil and gas industry in particular would cripple a cornerstone of our entire state economy.

Colorado Regulatory Framework “Leads the Nation”
“The State of Colorado leads the nation in providing a regulatory framework to manage [oil and natural gas] development in an environmentally responsible manner.”

Colorado Gets $108 Million Share of Energy Revenue
More than $108 million was disbursed to Colorado during the 2019 fiscal year, the latest revenues from energy production on federal land in the state.

Oil and Natural Gas Contributions to Colorado Schools
“[Oil and natural gas] leases resulted in approximately $1.23 billion earned for trust beneficiaries — Colorado schoolchildren — in the past 15 years.”

Report: Colorado Oil and Natural Gas Impact Tops $31 Billion
“Colorado’s oil and gas industry supported 232,900 jobs in the state and contributed $31.38 billion to the state’s economy in 2015 — the year industry activity nose-dived due to low commodity prices… The jobs accounted for nearly 7 percent of the total state employment in 2015.”

Colorado Energy Jobs Led by Natural Gas and Energy Efficiency Sectors
Energy employment in Colorado grew by 11 percent in 2017 to a total of nearly 91,000 jobs — lead by the natural gas and energy-efficiency sectors, according to a report by the National Association of State Energy Officials.

Report: Oil and Natural Gas Good for Economy
A new report from API, the American Petroleum Institute, outlines what oil and gas has done for Colorado, from the economy to schools. “We’re the fifth largest producer of gas and the seventh largest producer of oil in the country,” said Tracee Bentley, the executive director of the Colorado Petroleum Council. According to the Colorado Petroleum Council, that translates into about a $30 billion economic impact.

Report: Coloradans Saved Nearly $12.4 Billion Over 10 Years Thanks to Lower Natural Gas Prices
Thanks to record energy production and safer, state-of-the-art technologies, which has significantly reduced the price of natural gas, Colorado households and businesses saved nearly $12.4 billion between 2006 and 2016, CEA said in a report.

U.S. Natural Gas Consumption Increases Over Time
U.S. natural gas consumption increased 28.6% from 2008 to 2018.

United States Expected to Export More Energy Than it Imports by 2020
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that, for the first time since the 1950s, the United States will export more energy than it imports by 2020 as increases in crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas plant liquids production outpace growth in U.S. energy consumption.